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June 2024 Newsletter


Thank you once again to everyone who sent us referrals over the last few months. A referral is the highest compliment we can receive, and we deeply appreciate those who share our services with others!


Congratulations to the winners of our Referral Incentive Event who will enjoy a suite on us at the Gwinnett Stripers game.


Click below to see who won!


What You Should Know Before You Retire


When preparing for retirement, it can be helpful to pick up some tips from those who are already retired.

An AARP article, 6 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Retired, has some excellent insights.


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Look out for the Strawberry Moon this June!

June’s full Moon, often known as the Strawberry Moon, is not named for its color or shape, but for its alignment with strawberry season. The Moon can appear reddish near the horizon due to atmospheric conditions. This year's Strawberry Moon falls on Friday, June 21.1

What to Do When You're One Year From Retirement


Let’s next look at some strategies for when you’re a year away from retirement. Finding yourself just a year away from retirement is exciting, but don’t let that excitement distract you from some of the final steps you should take before your big day.

An Investopedia article, The Most Important Money Steps to Take the Year Before Retirement, provides some good insight.


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Panna Cotta


Panna cotta is a simple yet elegant dessert that's quick to make and can be prepared in less than 30 minutes. Unlike crème brûlée, it requires minimal effort and can be refrigerated for up to a week before serving. Its creamy texture makes it an ideal make-ahead option for a stress-free dinner party, topped with various options like fresh fruit, compote, or chocolate syrup.


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ETS Wealth Management

27 City Square Suite 2

Hoschton, GA 30548

P: 770.904.1978

W: www.etswealth.com

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